115 Bell Street Seattle, WA 98121
Seated: 60
Standing: 150
Square Feet: 2,360 ft2
Space Length: 40 ft
Space Width: 59 ft
The Courtyard is Block 41’s secret garden. Tucked into the heart of busy Belltown, this secluded outdoor space is private and serene and at the same time energized by the surrounding presence of the city. It is a landscaped garden of delights, from the whimsical “Greetings” mural by graffiti artist Victor Vong to the magically illuminated stainless steel fence created by artist Stephen Hirt. The Courtyard’s 12-foot tall living wall and evergreen landscape introduce nature into the space and create a welcoming oasis within downtown Seattle. The large ipé wood deck is perfect for banquet seating whether open to the stars or tented. The Courtyard merges seamlessly with the Bert & Tot Ballroom through a large glass roll-up door.