Rapid Reliable Testing
We offer comprehensive, turnkey testing solutions that identify and help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Rapid Reliable Testing is a venture of Ambulnz Holdings that leverages Ambulnz’s institutional experience working in partnership with Dr. Mark A. Merlin and MD1 Medical Care PC to bring additional services to help our communities manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Merlin is one of the foremost authorities in out-of-hospital physician responsive services, both regionally and nationally. Ambulnz Holdings, LLC is a holding company with healthcare transportation subsidiaries in eight States and the United Kingdom. We employ over 1,300 highly-skilled medical professionals, including EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses and Physicians. Ambulnz is also the largest private ambulance company responding to COVID-19 in NYC, and has transported over 10,000 patients with COVID-19 nationally. Covid-19 Testing - Nasal cavity swab - Run on multiple Quant Studio 12k Flex RT-PCR - Supports multiple swab types including Hardy Diagnostic; Puritan; Copan; Purflock; BD Viral Transport and Starplex Brand Antibody Testing - Single tube blood draw, full blood antibody test - FDA approved reagent, running on Diasorin platform - Looks for IgG antibodies